Friday, August 23, 2002

Not-So-Big-Brother posting on behalf of LARRY MILLER III...who is so desperate to stay on the board that he sent me the following e-mail with a view to me posting it for him. I'm so incredibly kind and large hearted! (Must be the steroids.)


Just got the latest photos in from the Not So Big Brother House and thought I'd share them with you....

The first is a shot of Cathy and Christine cavorting in a mud bath at the "Wombat Spa" room in the house...

and you wonder why there's not much activity on the BOARD!!!

Next photo is of that recent delivery of milk...

I'm not sure why, but Cathy is holding Paul's head down under so he get get a REALLY GOOD drink!

In any case, after this last week the fans have all begun packing up and are boarding the next train out of town....

Look out colleges!

Lastly, I'm not sure what she's trying to say, but Kevin Coffee's girlfriend walked past wearing this ...

Well. That's all I have for now. If I'm still here after the voting I'll be sending more pictures!

Not-So-Big-Brother addendum: heard what Larry just said. You know where the voting board is...